C&E-проекты Геотехническая экспертиза / Строительный грунт
- Technical Assistance for Management and Supervision ISPA Contracts in the Solid Waste Sector in Arges, Romania - EuropeAid/122694/D/SER/RO
- Technical Assistance to Prepare Integrated Solid Waste Management Projects (Lot 2, 8 environmental unions) - EuropeAid/128133/D/SER/TR
- Supervision of Works Contracts on Waste Management Infrastructure in the Northern Part of Cyprus - EuropeAid/126761/C/SER/CY
- New Design of a Landfill / Long-term Interim Storage Facility at the Abandoned Quarry Freiheit III
- Nature-orientated Water body Improvement „Mühlgraben Merseburg“
Bor, Serbia.pdf (73.9 КиБ)
Complex subsoil prospecting, new laying drinking water charge to Freital (German).pdf (93.1 КиБ)
Geotechnical expertise for construction waste treatment plant Croebern.pdf (108.8 КиБ)
IAA Sillamae, Estonia.pdf (59.9 КиБ)
Lippendorf, Saxony.pdf (752.6 КиБ)
Prospecting landfill location Alytus, Lithuania (German).pdf (827.8 КиБ)
Prospecting location Pitesti, Romania (German).pdf (173.5 КиБ)
Risk assessment, previous mining area Lichterfeld.pdf (266.9 КиБ)
Seepage line IAA Helmsdorf (German).pdf (61.2 КиБ)
Selected references for industrial settlings ponds.pdf (23.4 КиБ)
Selected references for mining facilities.pdf (20.4 КиБ)
Selected references for traffic facilities.pdf (24.5 КиБ)
Selected references for waste facilities.pdf (23.3 КиБ)
Selected references for water management.pdf (25.1 КиБ)
Settling IAA Helmsdorf, Truenzig.pdf (95.5 КиБ)
Stability of slopes.pdf (314.8 КиБ)
State analysis of the existing flood protected embankment - Chemnitz and Zschopau (German).pdf (234.1 КиБ)
State analysis of the existing flood protected embankment - embankment section Glauchau (German).pdf (178.0 КиБ)
State investigation bridge Wiltzschhaus.pdf (250.8 КиБ)
State investigation pillar bridge Freiberg.pdf (178.7 КиБ)
Subsoil investigation Fraunhofer Institute Dresden (German).pdf (112.1 КиБ)
Subsoil survey and foundation consulting, river Elbe.pdf (98.4 КиБ)
Subsoil survey and state investigation, Exposition Gunzenhauser Chemnitz (German).pdf (133.4 КиБ)
Summary of references for numerical modelling.pdf (47.1 КиБ)
Summary of references for stability of dams and slopes.pdf (50.9 КиБ)
Summary of references for subsoil investigation report, geotechnical investigation.pdf (78.7 КиБ)
Vita-Center, Chemnitz (German).pdf (91.6 КиБ)
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