C&E-проекты Больницы и кормящих объектов
- New Construction of the Diakonie Senior Citizen Center St. Katharina in Frankenberg
- Construction of an outpatient Rehabilitation Centre in Plauen
- Hospital Chemnitz - central hospital
New construction of a lodging house and modern patients rooms, entrance hall, cafeteria and restaurant - Hospital Chemnitz - central hospital
Remediation of existing lodging houses - Radiotherapy center hospital Chemnitz
New construction in the hospital, Mittleres Erzgebirge Zschopau - Hospital Wurzen
Extension and remediation of existing building fabric - Hospital Grimma (2.BA)
Extension incl. planning of a helicopter Base - Clinical centre Chemnitz
Remediation of the hospital Dresdner Straße - Clinical centre Chemnitz
Remediation of the hospital Küchwald - Clinical centre Chemnitz
Remediation of the gynaecological and infant hospital - Health centre "Golfbad-Sauna", Chemnitz
Remediation and extension of the overall complex of buildings - Health care center, Waldenburg
New construction - Seniors nursing home, Gersdorf
Remediation and recreation of listed industrial building - Seniors nursing home "Historisches Rathaus Siegmar"(historical city hall), Chemnitz
Modification and Remediation of the listed complex of buildings including new construction of living and care area - Seniors nursing home, Freiberg
New construction - Day care for human beings with autism, Oberlungwitz
New construction and Modification/Complete Remediation of the existing dwelling - "Wohnen am Ebersdorfer Wald"(Living at the Ebersdorfer forest),Chemnitz
Remediation of listed equestrian barracks Huttenstraße as age-based apartments, nursing home, health clinic and administrative department - Seniors nursing home, Eisenach
Conversion of the existing hotel-, store- and service centre
С&Е Консалтинг и Инжиниринг ГмбХ Хемниц сертифицирована в соответствии с DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.