References (PDF, partly in German) Mining Engineering
Aue, Saxony - Shaft closure.pdf (154.0 KiB)
Closure of shafts 398 Koenigstein.pdf (73.7 KiB)
Closure of ventilation borehole Koenigstein.pdf (96.9 KiB)
Disaster Response System and Monitoring Mine Spill.pdf (427.5 KiB)
Ronneburg, Mine damage.pdf (250.7 KiB)
Ronneburg, Shaft closure.pdf (139.5 KiB)
Koenigstein, Shaft closure.pdf (96.2 KiB)
Mine borehole Koenigstein (German).pdf (135.3 KiB)
Mine Capacity Extension Study, Ukraine.pdf (88.4 KiB)
Mining Lermontov, Russia - Remediation concepts.pdf (89.5 KiB)
Mining sites South-Bulgaria.pdf (76.4 KiB)
Niederlausitz, Brandenburg - Mine subsidence Trebendorf.pdf (111.3 KiB)
Plugging of 36 shafts.pdf (56.3 KiB)
Remediation of the gallery system Jena, Detail design.pdf (72.3 KiB)
Remediation of the gallery system Jena, Supervision construction works.pdf (114.7 KiB)
Remediation of the pit Reiche Zeche, Freiberg (German).pdf (322.9 KiB)
Koenigstein, Conveying holes.pdf (147.7 KiB)
Koenigstein, Bulkheads underground.pdf (197.7 KiB)
Schneeberg, Saxony.pdf (155.0 KiB)
Shaft securing Koenigstein (German).pdf (89.9 KiB)
Zwickau and Oelsnitz - Mining area.pdf (95.6 KiB)
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