Services Themes

Child Care "Pingu-Du" in the inner city of Chemnitz


The development of a child-friendly inner city area, was the objective for the City of Chemnitz, the "Grundstücks- und Gebäudewirtschafts-Gesellschaft mbH" (GGG) and the "IG Innenstadt e.V.". So the GGG started a competition in 2008 for a redesign of the "Rathaus-Passage", under the topic "Centre for Children and Familiy". Main focus was, to create a child care right in the middle of Chemnitz City. Also a remodeling of the inner courtyard was planned.

With their awarded draft, the team of C&E architects developed in cooperation with the designer Michael Stapf a concept, which connected the architectural characteristics of the building with the topic of the project. In the focus of the "Centre for Children und Family" was an unique and demanding child care called "PINGU-DU", which could be discovered by children attended by their parents or allowed the parents to mind their own business, while the children are supervised.

In the first floor of the "Rathaus-Passage" two commercial spaces were connected and redesigned to create a child-friendly environment. The areas "Oceanworld", "Field of Flowers" and "Jungle" are designed for different age categories (0-10 years) and offer free spaces, without constraining. The "Rathaus-Passage" itself offers also an interesting range of stores, from supply for children over gastronomy to consultancy services.


The C&E Consulting and Engineering GmbH Chemnitz is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.

Other certifications and approvals


Object Planning, Service Phase 1 to 8
with §15 HOAI,
Building Service, Phase 1 to 8,
with §73 HOAI,

Grundstücks- und Gebäude-
wirtschafts-Gesellschaft mbH

Costs: 285,000 €